Update week 5

Working on Sprites and the 3D backing needed to make the destructible buildings, although I’m thinking I need to be more modular with them to work correctly.

Bottom Right: a Test of the building in game, collision works well. Can’t work how to get these gifs to work on this blog though, they should be animated.

Update and Task Plan

The change from concepting to game design was a great Idea, I now feel 100%percent more motivated and excited at what I can achieve in this.

Tasks for tonight.

  • Create a Tighter version of the first Building in the level
  • Fits inside 2048 x 2048 square
  • Also create interier
  • Project onto box
  • Email George (GB) Schedule a crit
  • Do the level tuturial that Charlotte recommended

Work from the past week.



Quick Update

It’s been a few weeks now, and I have really been struggling to get a grip on the character art style for this project.

It felt like everytime I felt I was making steps in a direction I was comfortable with, those steps were making my peers feel uncomfortable. With imagery looking like those more akin to the Furry fandom, and although I don’t have any issues with that fandom, it was making me feel uncomfortable with the comments that friends were coming out with.

In fact it was getting to a point where I was getting angry and was drawing more like it to irritate the people commenting, even if that was leading me off on a tangent.

I even got to the point about a week ago where I was getting totally fed up with the project, and wanted to change it completely. but looking back on that it would have been a completely stupid Idea.

I have since come to some kind of bizzare terms with this project and am continuing it what seems to be a direction that veers of the standard furry style art that clutters deviant art, I think. Honestly this Project feels like it has taken everything out of me, but I don’t feel I have achieved much.

The work below is a mix of trying styles and trying distractions for working things out in my head.