Mapping and Trying UDK

Mapping and Trying UDK

It feels like an age since the start of this mapping process, but along the way I have picked up skills and techniques that have made me faster and more effiecient at it. Almost finished on the mapping process, today was the day to learn UDK and import the model, it’s so exciting actually seeing my work in an engine, even if it is a little bland and textutreless right now. Am really looking forward to see what this is going to look like in engine with my maps on it. 🙂

Render1 Render2 Render3 UDK1 UDK2 UDK3

Seems Like Fate

Seems Like Fate

Wildstar’s style is almost exactly the style I had in mind for my castle it’s almost uncanny, the floating Islands the blocky buildings with stylised textures.
in fact looking at some of the textures on the buildings and assets I’d say I know exactly where I am going now. 🙂

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Inspiration for textures

Inspiration for textures

From the very start i wanted to make hand painted stylised textures for this castle, like world of warcraft, or wildstar. After playing the Wildstar beta I was blown away by how beautiful the colours were, and the simple yet wonderful shapes with the clouds.
this is definately the style of sky I want to go for.

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Making up for lost time

Making up for lost time

After an extended period of time without the Internet, I not only have to catch up on my blog, but actually try to remember what I haven’t posted up on here. Anyhoo, here’s some random images from the last few weeks that I think I havn’t put up.
Have been accepted as a Pal, spent far to long on mapping the first primitives, and have now figured out how to transfer UV’s from one object to another as long as it’s the same dimensions.
The Model Became incredibly weird and wacky, part laputa part upside down pyramid.

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Breaking things

Breaking things

Managed to completely break UDK in one terrain building stint, couldn’t move around after changing the area size, I have to look into this.
The model is pretty much Finished now, although I did make it a bit larger that it was before, and kept wanting to add things.

Capture2 Capture3 Capture4

Warcraft Style

Warcraft Style

After thinking about it and then also getting a suggestion from my friend Luan, I have decided to take a look at warcraft’s heavily stylised Modeling and texturing approach. From what I have heard, they do a lot of baking to get the crisp and hand painted look that is the trademark of the game. I’m thinking, exporting to Zbrush and sculpting the fine normal detail then baking it back in Maya, although if I remember correctly, Zbrush was rather good at baking itself… then I could maybe export the ready baked mesh back. I’ll have to research this.

prezhornspike580 wood wow_blog03

CS book addiction

I am currently cozy and tucked up in bed, totally engrossed in Haroun and the see of stories. A group of us decided to go take a look in the book hive after CS on Thursday, best idea ever not only did they order it for the next day, but it’s such a wonderful book store to explore. Also this book reminds me so much of the stories my mum would read to me at bed time when I was a kid. Amazing. 🙂
