Character Inspiration

I seem to be having a little trouble uploading all my notes and imagery from my phone at the moment, but I’m hoping I will be able to sort that by this weekend. this should hopefully mean that I can get the following uploaded:

> Notes and game reviews.

> Life Drawing Imagery.

> Unity testing and play testing.

bd_chem2 bd_valk2 BDFF_Characters tumblr_n0ncpinNt31snkrkgo3_r1_1280 tumblr_n1xqi56JJK1qdbhwwo5_500FFIII_DS_Jobs_Concept_Art_1In the mean time I have been working on developing a style I can use for the game, based around some of my favorite games of recent times. I seem to have an obsession for creating chibi style character recently, something about the Abstract nature of them appeals to my aesthetic tastes.

468px-Windwaker_characters windwaker-family1024 yuseke-nakano_wind-waker13fantasy-life-nintendo-3ds-exclusive-character-concept-art-8fantasy-life-nintendo-3ds-exclusive-concept-art-2fantasy-life-nintendo-3ds-exclusive-concept-art-4FFIII_DS_Jobs_Concept_Art_3I want it to be a mixture of Bravely default ( or any Akihiro Yoshida work ), Zelda Wind Waker and Fantasy Life. the character designs in these games are just so charming. The Character models would be very low Poly and fast to model, so it would fit better into the time constraints and platform I am setting for the project.

ideaholyknight render2

Below are some characters from popular games that I gave a go drawing in a chibi style to keep my hand at it.


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